Saturday, August 31, 2019

Death in Hamlet

The story Hamlet is centralized around one common theme that stands as the constant dynamic struggle. Death threads its way through the entirety of† Hamlet, from the opening scene's confrontation with a dead man's ghost to the bloodbath of the final scene, which leaves almost every main character dead. Despite so many deaths, however, Shakespeare's treatment of the issue of death is especially obvious through his portrayal of Hamlet who is presented as a person preoccupied with the idea of death and the Ghost of King Hamlet. Hamlet constantly contemplates death from many angles.He is both seduced and repelled by the idea of suicide, but, in the famous gravedigger scene, he is also fascinated by the physical reality of death. In a way,† Hamlet† can be viewed as extended dialogue between Hamlet and death. As Hamlet progresses as a character in the story, he advances through many understandings of mortality and death and how it applies to himself and the characters around him. In the beginning he is much more believing in the concept that life is just a cruel stepping stone to death and beyond, but as he grows as a character and becomes more experienced, he understands the huge negative impact death plays on man.It is through these characters that the dramatist reveals his ambiguous representation of the principal theme. From the very beginning Hamlet reflects a youthful idolization of death, living life as a journey toward death. Although he is afraid of the Ghost, he tries to get in touch with him. Initially Hamlet is anxious about death, because he does not know what awaits him after death. Hamlet reflects his anxiety in one famous soliloquy, where he demonstrates the controversy of the issue of death.As he claims, iBut that the dread of something after death, / The undiscovered country from whose bourne / No traveler returns, puzzles the will / And makes us rather bear those ills we have / Than to fly to others we know not ofi (3. 1. 86-90). How ever, as Hamlet collides with cruelty, murders, injustice and deaths, he seems to form a certain unconcern towards death. In his search of revenge, Hamlet thinks much about death and afterlife. But these attempts to revenge for his father are only a prerequisite to Hamlet's thoughts of committing suicide.This obsession with death gradually drives him mad; William Shakespeare demonstrates this obsession with implicit mockery. For instance, when Hamlet kills Ophelia's father, he is not able to remember, where he hides his body; instead he starts to madly speak about the worms that eat a dead body. Shakespeare demonstrates that even Hamlet's appearance shows his obsession with death; he wears black clothes and looks depressed. In the graveyard scene Shakespeare intensifies Hamlet's preoccupation with death, revealing Hamlet's gloomy thoughts.As he claims, No, faith, not a jot; but to follow him thither with modesty enough and likelihood to lead it; as thus: Alexander died, Alexander wa s buried, Alexander returned into dust; the dust is earth (Shakespeare, 1985 5. 1. 201-206). In fact, the image of the grave is shown several times throughout the play to reveal the character's attitude towards death. With the exception of Hamlet, all characters demonstrate fear and pity at the sight of the grave that they associate with death. As Hamlet constantly thinks of death, he does not value his own life, as well as other people's lives.As a result, Hamlet appears to be also responsible for the death of Ophelia, Claudius, Polonius, Guildenstern and Rosencrantz. Thus, Hamlet's obsession transforms him from a miserable youth into a cruel murderer. However, contrary to other characters' deaths that are portrayed with a certain degree of irony, Hamlet's death is depicted in more serious terms. From the very beginning of Shakespeare's play each death seems to be blackened and is soon forgotten by other characters. For instance, Hamlet demonstrates that his father's death is alrea dy neglected by people, although King Hamlet died only a couple of months ago.When Horatio claims, My lord, I came to see your father's funeral, Hamlet responds: I prithee, do not mock me, fellow student. I think it was to see my mother's wedding (Shakespeare, 1985 1. 2. 183-185). Such an ironic viewpoint reveals that even the most generous people are forgotten. The death of Polonius is also ignored by the principal characters; Ophelia and Laertes are too preoccupied with their emotions and feelings to remember their father, and Hamlet who accidentally kills Polonius expresses only some sympathetic words: Thou wretched, rash, intruding fool, farewell (Shakespeare, 1985 3. . 38). Ophelia's death is described in even more ironical portrayal, as the dramatist presupposes that her death is a result of suicide and asks: Is she to be buried in Christian burial, when she wilfully seeks her own salvation? (Shakespeare, 1985 3. 4. 38). Similar to Ophelia's death, the deaths of Gertrude, Clau dius, Guildenstern and Rosencrantz are able to arouse only sympathy in readers. In this regard, Hamlet's death stands out against a background of other deaths; it evokes respect and powerful emotions towards the character.Although Hamlet expresses irony to death throughout the play, his death is a tragedy for those who knew him. As Horatio claims, Now cracks a noble heart. / Goodnight sweet prince. And a flight of angels sing thee to thy rest (Shakespeare, 1985 5. 2. 397-398). Hamlet's death is the tragedy for the whole country, because it has lost its noble king and can hardly find another great person. Fortinbras considers that For he was likely, had he been put upon, to have proved most royal Speak loudly for him (Shakespeare, 1985 5. . 443-446). Hamlet's noble death corresponds with the ideas of death maintained by such a Renaissance philosopher as Michel de Montaigne (1910) who claims that death uncovers the true essence of a person. According to him, a person can be really jud ged at his/her last moments. The similar attitude towards death is revealed by Sir Walter Raleigh who claimed that only death could provide people with real understanding of life. During his imprisonment Raleigh demonstrated real courage and was not afraid of death.As he wrote in the latter to his wife, I perceive that my death was determined from the first day (Raleigh, 1940, p. 82). In this regard, Hamlet's real self is obvious only after his death. At the end of the play Hamlet accepts his death with courage and inevitability. However, Shakespeare demonstrates that, despite Hamlet's indifference to life, he needs much time and courage to prepare himself for killing and death. As Hamlet observes numerous deaths, he becomes immune to his own fortune. He starts to perceive death with irony, realising that life has no value for him.To a certain extent, it is Hamlet's insanity that helps him to adjust to the idea of death and succeed in his revenge. As Hamlet collides with cruel reali ty, he seems to be mentally destroyed by it: Who does it, then? His madness. If't be so, / Hamlet is of the faction that is wrong'd; His madness is poor Hamlet's enemy (Shakespeare, 1985 2. 233-235). Simultaneously, the principal character manages to create an ironical attitude towards death that is intensified by the utilisation of Biblical and classical allusions.For instance, Hamlet's revenge resembles the classical story of Priam and Pyrrhus; when Priam kills the father of Pyrrhus, the latter decides to kill Priam in revenge. In Hamlet's case the irony is explained by the repetition of the situation, but Hamlet finds it difficult to succeed in his revenge; he avoids some fortunate situations and kills Claudius only at the end of the play. Another allusion is taken from the Bible: when Shakespeare (1985) mentions the primal eldest curse A brother's murder (3. 3. 40-41), he draws a parallel between the story of Cain and Abel with the murder of King Hamlet by Claudius.Although Clau dius seems to ask for forgiveness in the church, he does not really repent of his action. When Hamlet recognises the truth about his father's death, he decides to make a play ‘The Murder of Gonzago', where he implicitly depicts the murder of his father by King Claudius. Ironically, the play has a great impact on Hamlet who has to suppress his desire to kill Claudius and his mother Gertrude. As he states, Let not ever the soul of Nero enter this firm bosom. / Let me be firm, not unnatural. / I will speak daggers to her, but use none (Shakespeare, 1985 3. 2. 426-429).As Agrippina, the character of the play ‘The Murder of Gonzago', is killed by her son Nero, Hamlet is afraid of his desire to also kill his mother. Another element of death that Shakespeare strengthens in his play is the Dance of Death that is crucial for understanding the dramatist's interpretation of the issue. In the Renaissance this dance was performed in the form of a carnival, during which some people di sguised themselves into skeletons and guided other people into ‘afterlife'. As a humorous festivity, the Dance of Death was popular among different groups of people and was depicted in many dramatic works (Freedberg, 1989).The image of the Dance of Death occupies the principal place in Hamlet's graveyard scene. In Hamlet's conversation with the gravedigger, Shakespeare uncovers many important issues of existence. For instance, Hamlet asks Did these bones cost no more the breeding but to play at loggets with them? Mine ache to think on't (Shakespeare, 1985 5. 1. 91). The Dance of Death has a great impact on Hamlet, especially when he sees the skull of his friend Yorick who occupied a position of fool in the court during his life (Triggs, 1990, pp. 73-76).Hamlet realises that death is inevitable for all people, as he puts it, We fat all creatures else to fat us and we fat ourselves for maggots. Your fat king and your lean beggar is but variable service – two dishes but to one table (Shakespeare, 1985 4. 2. 21-24). The controversy of the Ghost reflects the controversial attitude of Elizabethan society to the issue of death and afterlife. If the Ghost is thought to come back from Purgatory, then Hamlet may believe that it is the Ghost of his father who suffers much and is in search of revenge (Low, 1999, pp. 63-472). However, the Ghost may also appear to come back from Hell; in this regard, his aim is to turn Hamlet into insanity. William Shakespeare reveals this controversy, but he does not solve it. The issue remains open throughout the play and is aggravated with the disappearance of the Ghost. Greenblatt (2001) even claims that purgatory exists in the imaginary universe of Hamlet and [it provides] many of the deep imaginative experiences, the tangled longing, guilt, pity and rage evoked by More (p. 252).However, the deaths of Hamlet and other principal characters of the play uncover the truth about these people. In particular, throughout the narra tion Hamlet pretends to have a secret, although he does not reveal it, but at the end he seems to expose his heart and all his secrets: Thou wouldst not think how ill all's here about my heart; but it is no matter It is but foolery (Shakespeare, 1985 5. 2. 208-211). Hamlet tries to fool other characters, but instead he fools himself, as he is not able to admit that he is also afraid of death.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Defining Prejudice Essay

Prejudice-a preconceived negative judgement of a group and its individual members. -prejudice is an attitude. The negative evaluations that mark prejudice often are supported by negative beliefs called stereotypes. Forms of prejudice Stereotype – a belief about the personal attributes of a group of people. Stereotypes are sometimes overgeneralized, inaccurate, and resistant to new information. Discrimination- unjustified negative behaviour toward a group or its members. Racism- an individual’s prejudicial attitudes and discriminatory behaviour toward people of a given race or institutional practices that subordinate people of a given race. Sexism- an individual’s prejudicial attitudes and discriminatory behaviour toward people of a given sex. Racial prejudice In the context of the world, Every race is a minority. Most folks see prejudice in other people. -is racial prejudice disappearing? -in 1942 most Americans agreed that there should be separate sections for negroes on streetcars and buses. -parents both black and white suggested that their children should know the history of blacks and whites. -most black and white would likely to vote a black American for president. In the United States, whites tend to compare the present with the oppressive past and to perceive swift and radical progress. Blacks tend to compare their present with their ideal world, which has not yet been realized, and to perceive somewhat less progress. Gender Prejudice – people’s prejudgment on others based on gender. Gender Stereotype – are simplistic generalizations about the gender attributes, differences, and roles of individuals and/or groups. Stereotypes can be positive or negative, but they rarely communicate accurate information about others. When people automatically apply gender assumptions to others regardless of evidence to the contrary, they are perpetuating gender stereotyping. Many people recognize the dangers of gender stereotyping, yet continue to make these types of generalizations. the female stereotypic  role is to marry and have children. She is also to put her family’s welfare before her own; be loving, compassionate, caring, nurturing, and sympathetic; and find time to be sexy and feel beautiful. The male stereotypic role is to be the financial provider. He is also to be assertive, competitive, independent, courageous, and career†focused; hold his emotions in check; and always initiate sex. These sorts of stereotypes can prove harmful; they can stifle individual expression and creativity, as well as hinder personal and professional growth. Ambivalent Sexism – Ambivalent sexism is an ideology composed of both a â€Å"hostile† and â€Å"benevolent† prejudice toward women. Hostile sexism is an antagonistic attitude toward women, who are often viewed as trying to control men through feminist ideology or sexual seduction. Benevolent sexism is a chivalrous attitude toward women that feels favorable but is actually sexist because it casts women as weak creatures in need of men’s protection. What causes ambivalent sexism? According to Professors Glick and Fiske, sexist ambivalence is the result of two basic facts about relations between women and men: male dominance (patriarchy) and interdependence between the sexes. Male dominance is prevalent across cultures, with men dominating high status roles in business, government, religious institutions, and so forth. Hostile sexism arises in large part because dominant groups tend to create hostile ideologies concerning the inferiority of other groups. Despite male dominance, however, men are often highly dependent upon women as wives, mothers, and romantic partners. This dependence fosters benevolent sexism, which recognizes women as valuable and attractive (an attitude not generally present in prejudices such as racism, anti-Semitism, and homophobia, in which the targets of prejudice are typically shunned or loathed). Gender Discrimination – Discrimination based on gender or sex Where and When Can Gender Discrimination Occur? Employment – Including claims that a potential employer asked discriminatory questions based on gender during the interview process; claims that an employer failed to hire, failed to promote, or wrongfully terminated an  employee based on his or her gender; unequal pay claims; and claims for sexual harassment of employees. Education – Including claims for exclusion from educational programs or opportunities based on gender; and claims for sexual harassment of students. Housing – Including claims for refusal to negotiate with a person seeking housing, claims for imposition of different lease/contract terms, and claims for refusal to extend a loan based on the gender of the applicant/tenant/buyer. Borrowing / Credit – Including claims for refusal to extend credit, claims for imposition of unequal loan terms, and claims arising from improper inquiries during the credit/loan approval process, based on the gender of the applicant. 3 SOURCES OF PREJUDICE Social Source Emotional Source Cognitive Source Social Sources of Prejudice The self-fulfilling prophecy: where a belief is accepted as truth, & in stating it, becomes true. Stereotype Threat Stereotype threat is â€Å"the threat of being viewed through the lens of a negative stereotype, or the fear of doing something that would inadvertently confirm that stereotype,† such as the stereotype that women perform poorly in math. Some students try to escape stereotype threat by misidentifying with the part of life in which the stereotype originates, such as race or ethnic identities. Emotional Sources of Prejudice Frustration & aggression: The Scapegoat Theory: When problems occur, people do not like to blame themselves. They will thus actively seek scapegoats onto whom they can displace their aggression. Scapegoats may be out-group individuals or even entire groups. Powerless people who cannot easily resist will often become victims of scapegoating. Scapegoating increases when people are frustrated &  seeking an outlet for their anger. The Realistic Group Conflict Theory When there are limited resources, then this leads to conflict, prejudice & discrimination between groups who seek that common resource. Cross-race/ Other-race Effect Refers to the tendency to more easily recognize members of one’s own race. A study was made which examined 271 real court cases. The results from this study showed that witnesses correctly identified 65 % of the defendants which were of the same race as them. On the other hand, 45% of the defendants were identified which belonged to a different race than the witnesses. Just-world Phenomenon The just-world phenomenon, refers to the tendency for people to believe that the world is â€Å"just† & so therefore people get what they deserve.† It wrongly colors our impression of â€Å"victims† of any sort. Controversies and Prominent Topics Sexism Nationalism Classism Sexual Discrimination Racism Religious Discrimination Linguistic Discrimination Reducing Prejudice The contact hypothesis The contact hypothesis predicts that prejudice can only be reduced when in-group and out-group members are brought together. In particular, there are six conditions that must be met to reduce prejudice, as were cultivated in Elliot Aronson’s Jigsaw Classroom. First, the in- and out- groups must have a degree of mutual interdependence. Second, both groups need to share a common goal. Third, the two groups must have equal status. Fourth, there  must be frequent opportunities for informal and interpersonal contact between groups. Fifth, there should be multiple contacts between the in- and the out- groups. Finally, social norms of equality must exist and be present to foster prejudice reduction.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Using either the Family or Religion, analyze the development of Essay

Using either the Family or Religion, analyze the development of African American culture before the Civil War - Essay Example In the pre-war era, myriad dynamic changes got experienced in the bid that most of the religious practices changed as from one aspect to the other. This gets historically retrieved from the acts between the 18th and 19th century. Most importantly, the African-American religion changed dramatically2. In relations to the changes experienced in the religion, there were overwhelming convictions that were indispensable. This essay aims at exploring and describing the development of African-American culture in the means of worship3. Initially, the Africans blended their detailed religious practices with the European American elements or worship. This is because their rituals were rather complex and unsuitable to the North American environment. For instance, practices by the African Americans that could have had the basis of ancestral worship and spirit possession were greatly underpinned by the Native Americans and the European Americans4. Some of the common traits of worship that would have proven hard to change in the African American culture included the call-response form of preaching. It shows the might of the African Americans in terms of faith; however, all these practices form the starting point of the American Revolution. Of course, it involves the already settling African Americans5. African-Americans were initiated and accepted in the society as slaves. The pre-American revolution sessions get depicted to have accommodated most of the slaves out of the Christianity helm. That is; very few of the slaves got the chance to engage in Christian practices. The steering factor of this kind of societal structure was because the holders of plantations in which the slaves worked stopped them. According to the Native and European American, granting the blacks the rights of worship could have fostered equality amongst them. Accordingly, the Gramsci notion of hegemony commenced its domineering even towards the beliefs of

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Matthew McAllister Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Matthew McAllister - Essay Example This discussion asks that What factors have contributed to the change in the role of news? The greatest factor is, perhaps, the purchasing of television networks by movie studios. The movie studios, therefore, use their corporate ties with the television news networks so purchased to exert promotional pressures. Consequently, news lose their prime position as the news networks under entertainment corporations have to air ads during prime-time news. In addition, the television news networks lose control of the content they air as their sponsors dictate what suits their financial interests.According to the paper findings another major factor is to drive profits. In order to attract advertisers, news networks need not just an expanded viewership, but the viewership that interests advertisers. Since news mostly interests the elderly, news networks have adjust their broadcasting so as to rake in the youth as well. This is the rationale behind the reality show craze, as is the case with CB S which has been airing Survivor. It is not uncommon to find such stations holding a discussion on the outcome of the previous episode of the reality show during news time. Generally, news networks have transformed into entertainment and promotional zones.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Essentials of Negotiation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Essentials of Negotiation - Essay Example   Describe your negotiation style. My negotiation style tends to be integrative and principled. My primary strength is that I have a good motive in seeking to obtain a win/win situation for all parties; I want to define the goals and maximize the objectives for everyone within a discussion framework that has fair standards and a high level of integrity. The weakness in my position is that a dishonest bargainer could possibly use my desire for consensus to manipulate me through deceit or hardball tactics. 3a.1 I had two friends who engaged in an integrative bargain resulting in a win/win situation. ... The first had a vehicle with relatively high monthly payments. His objective was to get out from under the financial strain and he wasn't concerned with making a profit on the deal. My other friend didn't really need another car but liked our friend's vehicle more than the one what she was driving. They both wanted to make sure the other achieved sensitive to the other's position their objective. She sold her vehicle, bought his for the payoff and, after refinancing with the down payment from the sale of her car, obtained lower monthly payments for herself. Everyone ended up happy. 3a.2 A family friend was the chief financial officer for his company. In analyzing the corporate debt, he determined that a refinance of the mortgage would save thousands of dollars. He called in his banker and asked for a reduced interest rate. At first, the banker was reluctant, but when the CFO mentioned that he could find a better deal at a competing bank if he moved all of the company's accounts (savings, checking, and investments), the banker quickly conceded. The company got a reduced payment and the banker kept the all of the accounts, the loss of which would have cost far more than lowering the interest rate. Even though a concession was made, both parties ultimately won. 3b. Win/Lose 3b.1 One of my relatives knew an individual that had come into some very difficult financial conditions. That person wanted to sell their car to pay off a hospital bill. My relative knew exactly what the other person owed on the car, and hard balled them into taking a price that yielded a $500 profit by pulling out the cash and putting it on the hood.  Ã‚  

Monday, August 26, 2019

Comparison of economic efficiency of the model of perfect competition Essay

Comparison of economic efficiency of the model of perfect competition with that of monopoly markets - Essay Example Moreover, their ability to exploit economies of scale also allows them to sell their products at very low prices which are often less than the cost price of other sellers, thus allowing the larger companies to easily drive them out of the business3. However, monopoly seller, as mentioned earlier, is highly likely not to satisfy the complete demand for its product so that it could charge a premium price. Therefore, the monopoly seller fails to take the full advantage of economies of scale, unlike many firms in monopolistic, perfectly competitive and oligopolistic markets4. Other than technical, allocative and productive inefficiencies, monopolies are also likely to be X-inefficient. American Economist Liebenstein argued that regardless of the level of production, monopolies are always X-inefficient because of the absence of competitive pressures5. Therefore, there costs of production are always higher than it would be within perfectly competitive on even monopolistic markets. The same is true because monopolies sellers are most likely to own technologies, assets, and machines that are not operating at their fullest or which are not needed. Furthermore, they are also likely to overpay people, thus leading to cost inefficiencies6. In presence of competition, firms spend great deal of time and energy over ensuring that they decrease their costs to utmost possible. Consider the example of the US airline industry where strong competitive pressures have forced companies to seek more cost effective pressure. Competition forced Southwest Airlines to create a new business model aimed at cost effectiveness where the company flies its aircrafts for more than 11 hours a day, uses same aircrafts for reducing maintenance and training costs, flies short haul, uses dynamic...This paper is an attempt to explore the economic efficiency outcomes of monopoly markets with that of perfect competition markets. Furthermore, the paper would also attempt to present a possible government policy to improve efficiency within the markets. The focus of policymakers should be at creating policies and programs that facilitate competition within various markets, especially within monopolies markets. However, policymakers should draw a line for their intervention. Even in the worst times, direct government intervention or control is not a viable long-term option for creating efficiency because not only it is inefficient but ineffective. The only policy that governments should pursue is to ensure that monopolistic and oligopolistic markets could move towards a perfectly competitive market. Interestingly, in many cases, it is the existing government policy and structure, which creates the costs and hurdles for new entrants to enter into the market. Therefore, governments all over the world should try to follow the economic models of countries like Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand and Switzerland where the government intervention within the markets is minimal. Furthermore, the cost of starting up a business, running the business and winding up the business are also much lesser than the rest of the world. The focus should be on reducing the excessive costs and time required to start, operate and wind up a business, opening up borders to other companies, facilitating free trade and research and development.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Manufacturing & Operations Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Manufacturing & Operations Management - Essay Example Simultaneously, spare parts are manufactured in the batch and stored in the warehouse until required by the final assembly for product 1 and 2. The finished product is stored in the warehouse until delivered to the customer. This report will identify the strategy (i.e. MRP, JIP and Hybrid) to be employed by Promanager PLC to resolve the issue. Also, in the end, the report will provide detailed set of recommendations to improve the overall manufacturing performance of Promanager PLC. Figure 1: Current Manufacturing Process of Promanager PLC Manufacturing Planning and Control Strategy Recommendation and Rationale The manufacturing forms the most significant aspect for a manufacturing company and it forms as its competitive advantage or a reason for failure. Therefore, a strong and effective management tool is required to achieve the required success rate. However, in order to recommend a strategy, the first step is to identify the problems that the existing system is facing. Promanager PLC existing production mechanism is facing the following significant problems: (1) The Master production schedule makes poor forecasts for individual order specifications. (2) The throughput time of the product is more than the standard 3 weeks time. (3) Response time to customers should be 1 week. (4) Discrepancies in data of inventory management system and inventory of materials. (5) High defect rate for finished products. (6) High level of Raw Material, Work-in-Progress and Finished Goods stock due to imbalance between supply and demand time and materials. There are three types of manufacturing planning and control strategies, namely: material requirements planning (MRP), just-in-time (JIT) and hybrid. Benton and Shin (1997) argued that MRP and JIT directs the significant aspects of a material flow in terms of its planning and controlling. Zhao, Zhou, Luo and Dai (2011) and Mahapatra, Pal and Narasimhan (2011) postulated that JIT reduces set up time, improves the flow of goods from warehouse to the shelves, makes efficient use of multi-skilled employees, synchronizes the production schedule and hours worked, improves relationships with supplier and throughout the day supplies comes on a regular basis. The JIT system can be implemented in seven steps that can be customized according to the needs of the production cycle. These are: (1) Design flow process, (2) Total Quality System, (3) Stabilize Schedule, (4) Kanbul Pull System, (5) Work with Vendors, (6) Further reduce inventory in other areas, and (7) Improve product design. On the other hand, MRP is a special mechanism to plan as well as control the production processes. The primary objectives of introducing MRP in a production process is to guarantee availability of materials fro the production and at the same time ensure that finished products are ready to be delivered to customers. Furthermore, it ensures the minimum possible levels of inventory (i.e. material and finished products) to stay in the sto res. MRP also helps in planning the activities of manufacturing, purchasing and manages the delivery schedules. In the case of Promanager PLC, JIT or MRP can not resolve the problems that it is facing independently. As, JITwill help to resolve the problem numbers 2, 4 and 5. Whereas, MRP is a unique management tool that only focuses on the manufacturing material, purchasing and delivery activities. Therefore, it can resolve the proble

Saturday, August 24, 2019


WHAT IS THE ADVANTGE OF COMING TECHNOLOGY WITH EDUCATION - Essay Example of America, they offer distance education to people, who are living in different countries, students can save their time and money, they do not need to go the location of schools, they still can take the program of schools, and take degree or certification of schools from learning distance as well. Hence we can predict that technology is going to pervade every area of education in the coming century. One important area of education is teacher training. Unless teachers are competent, quality education cannot be delivered. Teachers until now held a pivotal position in the system of education. But with the introduction of technology in classrooms, the picture is going to change. According to William Clark Trow, â€Å"A gifted teacher is a fiction, an imaginary construct†. (William Trow, pp 105). A teacher is not only expected to have mastery over the subject but is expected to be a person with a good character, a balanced personality with diverse interests, at the same time one who has sympathy and understanding of the students, who can be a friend, philosopher, guide and mentor. Indeed, what Trow says is true. It is neither possible to find a single individual who possesses all qualities of a good teacher, nor is it possible to identify potential good teachers. But with t he introduction of technology, â€Å" – it is possible to devise instruments which measure abilities directly, provide instruction at the point where each learner is, and allow him to go on from there ---â€Å" ( Trow, pp 107 ). â€Å"All this will bring a profound change in education. We will stop training individuals to be teachers.† (R.B. Fuller, pp 43)The role of teachers will change. Teacher will be a guide, facilitator, who will only help the student to acquire knowledge on his own. Fuller has called this as ‘Automation in education†, which has ‘Freed the scholar to return to his studies.† This shows that scholars will be motivated to pursue their own studies. The attention of the

Friday, August 23, 2019

Employment Research about Marriot Hotel Assignment

Employment Research about Marriot Hotel - Assignment Example The hotel was founded by J. Willard along with Alice Marriott and managed by Marriott family administration for more than 80 years. The business has headquarters in Bethesda, Maryland, USA, and reports revenues of almost $13 billion in the financial year 2013. The year 1927 saw J. Willard Marriott open the nine-stool root beer stand. The stand grew into the Hot Shoppes eatery chain and developed into the present Marriott International hotel company ("Doha Prepares for the Opening of Marriott Marquis City Center Doha Hotel," n.d.). In the next 58 years, he constructed the Marriott product on a basis of guiding standards that stay entrenched in the business’s culture presently. At the moment, Alex Kyriakidis is the hotel’s leader and managing director. The organization’s Vision Statement is: Growing globally and opening up a world of experiences, as well as opportunities for individuals from all walks of life. The organization is as well driven to constantly challenge the status quo as well as anticipate its customers’ varying needs with new brands, new guest experiences and new global locations ("US General Error," n.d.). On the other hand, Mission statement of the organization is: â€Å"We support the communities where we work and live†. Marriott International puts its focus on five worldwide: social issues: the environment, poverty alleviation, the wellbeing of children, community workforce development, and global diversity and inclusion ("Marriott Marquis City Center Hotel Doha (Doha, Qatar) -," n.d.). The Marriot Hotels has been taking part in some cooperate social responsibilities (CSR).